
  1. 卖家后台登陆页面,点击忘记密码 –需要更多帮助

Dear Amazon,


I have received the notification that my selling privilege of seller account has been removed because of the suspicious movement.
Here I am stating that we do have changed the deposit account early this time, this is normal operation and approved by us. There is no unauthorized party have accessed my account.


I have changed the pass word several times, but Amazon still does not approve my log-in.

Please reinstate my account so that we can log-in to check again.

Thank you so much for your kind understanding and patience.


Thank you,

  1. 同时请向seller performance team(seller-performance@amazon.com) 发送内容同上的邮件。亚马逊美国团队在北京时间晚8点就开始上班,请在当天晚上再次登陆查看是否有邮件回复,并再次尝试更改密码,登录测试。3.当账户恢复销售权限后,如账号所有产品链接默认为不可售状态,请检查账号是否被默认设置为假期模式。 请打开后台设置-假期设置。关闭假期设置。即可更改全店链接为可售状态。